Best Student Loan Company In Usa Custom choice loans, powered by Cognition Check rates on the cognitives site 4.5/5 Best private student loans 660 3.20%-10.77% Before applying for a private student loan, Citizens and Cognition Financial advise you to compare all your financial aid alternatives, including grants, scholarships, and both federal and private student loans. When considering if a private lender is a good fit, keep in mind that even the best private college student loans do not have the same protections as federal loans. When looking for the best private student loans, keep in mind that every lender offers different terms, rates, and benefits. For private student loans, you will usually be shopping around banks, credit unions, and online lenders to find the best overall offer for your loans. Private lenders are making a greater effort to get competitive with interest rates, but you will need to do some searching to find a deal that can lower the cost of your lo...